Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Well how do you do, a kiss on the cheek, well it's been a while...

*Breathes out*

I finally found a moment to visit this lovely little page. Blog-time vs. real-time is certainly a concept that I just became quite aware of- when the days have so many small (yet exciting!) events going on, and they seem to pile upon each other... Certain things become rejected. Like my "dirty" room (... clothes on the chair. They'll get hung up in a bit), the books scattered all over my floor in various places... That may be it? I am a bit delirious- I should be sleeping due to not being able to gain a proper night's sleep for the past 2 nights (all my own doing, of course), but I felt the urge to type this-here blog.

So with midterms out of the way (at least for a while), I have a bit of time to concentrate on a few other activities (at least, for what my planner is telling me, a week minimum-ish. It's pushing it a bit!), I decided to make a list of what I need to accomplish/desire to do with the time I have between now and... then? Sure!

* Car wash
* Clean my room
* READ (like a good student girl!)
-- For class (I will not bore you with the details)
-- Nylon Magazines
-- Lolita (finish it!)
-- Poetry Books
* BUY/look into
-- White Rabbits
-- Mt. St. Helen's Vietnam Band
-- The Spinto Band
-- Sufjan Stevens' The BQE
-- Poems, poems, poems
* Live life? Sounds like a plan :)

I'll be more profound next time, I promise!

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