Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Give Your Life to Literature but DON'T READ JANE EYRE

Should be working on my presentations... And believe me, I am! For example, title = from Los Campesinos!'s "Don't Tell Me to Do the Math(s)" for how Jane Eyre has influenced pop culture. Just with some itunes lovin' goin' on, along with a little bit of sleepy time drooping my eyelids down to the ground.

There are so many wonderful and exciting things going on... Despite the lack of sleep, my insane two days of presentations (spanish- easy. Tomorrow is the kicker), a few "rememories," everything is going so insanely smoothly. 

First off, I can now say I am a published poet! One of my goals in life was to be published before I turned 21... and for it to actually be occurring is ridiculous. Tonight I am reading at my school for The UCI New Forum (the undergrad creative writing... pamphlet? paper?), and I am hoping it is well received. Honestly, a little shocked that they chose this poem (considering I labored over a few others much more than this one-time write out...). This is really monumental for me- I'm not a genius writer. At. All. I was told that sure, I write pretty things... but implied that they were nothing more than that. I wanted to prove this wrong- I wanted to maintain having a voice, creating twists and turns that will make the reader at least say, "Wow. I really like it"... To make someone say "Wow, I love this". Although this will not happen soon, I feel that I am gaining a solidified voice, and if I put myself out there, there are many others who will enjoy my work. All I know is that it can only get better!

PS- More musical longings anyone?
* Mandy Moore - Amanda Leigh (... shut up, her voice is GOOD).
* Various Artists- Thank You for the Music (AHHHH Another gorgeous set of songs!)
* The Do- A Mouthful (such a good band!)

Finalmente, mi poema por la noche.


You move with such a hollow frame

As if the bark rots in waves

Of old age, as if

Uprooting yourself causes you

More death than life.


We were once filled to

The brim with rotten marrow

In our creaseless bones-

We sucked ourselves dry,

Yet I must do this with my hands.


I will rise with this worn face

It will age, it will
Catch up to your hollow frame

And together, we’ll join the dirt.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Hello, Sun is Shining in the Afternoon...

Way too late for me to be staying up, BUUUUT HEY! I'm on a somewhat caffeine high mixed with the emotions of being done with an essay (it's a LOT... we'll see how this one goes!), planning my classes for next quarter, and reflecting on many wonderful memories. 

Also, I'm looking at fashion blogs, which never helps me sleep (but does, however, keep me inspired as to what to wear next!)

1) Chunky chain for my Victorian charm (my thin chains broke ]:)
2) Chains/other devices for my 3 new charms (silver locket which outdoes my snake one, peridot crystal thingy, vintage-y red flower on a square).
3) To be done with Jane Eyre. It's so much- 450 more pages to go? Little more? That's going to be my life tomorrow... along with Centro.
4) More hours in the day! Seriously, what's up with you time? Why are you going faster? Stop being like the tortoise and creeping up on me to win the race :(
5) Summer? I like that. A LOT. It means camp = money (and children of squish and joy) = me being able to buy things and not feel guilty (but I'm saving a lot!)
6) Oxford Shirt (woohoooo). Yes please. 
7) Oh, and paperbag shorts/pants!
8) OH, and shoessssss!
9) Moxy Lovechild needs to begin, and it WILL!
10) SLEEP. Oh my goodness, sleep!
11) Music department: More Iron and Wine, St. Vincent, an the rest of the title below. Still. :) PS- plus some Destroyer please!
12) Officially, sleep time!!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

And it's contagious, and it's conta-gious

So it's kinda 3:15 am. I definitely have to get up at 6:30 am, go get my retainers at 7:45, make a train by 8:44, get picked up, class 11-320, then yoga at 7:30-8:50. WEOW world, and thanks procrastination from keeping me up this late to begin with -_-. I mean, yeah, brought it upon myself, but STILL! Maybe I'll say never again, but it will happen again... Thank god the rest of my papers are all occurring week 9/10/finals. I promise to work on you, dear papers, and give you the love and respect of my lil' English Major-y self.

In other news, welcome to the world of my musical longings, as listed below:
* Bat for Lashes- Two Suns
* Vedera- Stages EP
* Death Cab for Cutie- The Open Door EP
* Bon Iver- Blood Bank EP
* The Pains of Being Pure at Heart- Self Titled
* Cotton Jones- Paranoid Cocoon
* Dark Was the Night CD
* The Raconteurs- Consolers of the Lonely
* Albert Hammond Jr- Como Te Llamas
* be your own PET- Get Awkward
* Grizzly Bear- all of it (still need it!)
* Regina Spektor (been listening to her for the past 2 hours on youtube... It's a little ridiculous)
* White Rabbits
* Charlotte Martin (whatever CDs I do not own)

I have been in the deepest realms of music lately. I have been wanting to sing more and more, and I cannot wait until summer. Summer, when I can play my flute and rebuild my tone to the fullest (and quite possibly start lessons again?). Summer, when I can sing at the top of my lungs wherever I go. Summer, when I might possibly perform at open mic nights and shatter my nerves into oblivion (gosh, I wish!).


Sunday, May 3, 2009

Live like it's the style, We waltz on your front porch

Late night posting (or early morning, what have you)!

Well well well, life has indeed been wonderful. I'm finally back to truly believing in all things optimistic, with that scrap of reality always reeling me back into my place. What I cannot believe is that there are pretty much five more weeks of school. Five. As in, this week is definitely insane (midterm on Tuesday, midterm essays due Friday, a paper to work on, Spanish quiz, text, and homework due by friday)... but after this, it's all smooth sailing again. Where has the time flown off to, right? What bird decided it was a good idea to pick us off the ground and have us soar through time and space to this point, to the realization of "Seriously, it's week six of spring quarter. Time flies when you're having fun, yeah?" moment... SERIOUSLY. 

Other good things going on: Just bought tickets for an orchestral Death Cab for Cutie concert (with my other favs, Tegan & Sara and The New Pornographers). Flirting with a boy (yiiiikes! Nerves all around). Getting the braces off in 8 DAYS (I won't look like a fifteen year old child!). Looking forward to many more concerts besides the one mentioned above. Now, if only I could get a steady income (I cannot wait for camp...). Except knowing me, I'll spend it all on music and new clothes... It's allowed, and most deserved mind you!

Honestly, life is amazing right now. Let's just breathe in that sunshine and live in every moment, shall we?

I need to sleep. It's a little ridiculous how much of a night-owl I am nowadays. And by ridiculous, it does not mean I regret it at all (with the exception of the days I wake up early...). It doesn't help my raccoon eyes much :P.

So with these thoughts, I'm soaring off into dreamland.