Sunday, May 3, 2009

Live like it's the style, We waltz on your front porch

Late night posting (or early morning, what have you)!

Well well well, life has indeed been wonderful. I'm finally back to truly believing in all things optimistic, with that scrap of reality always reeling me back into my place. What I cannot believe is that there are pretty much five more weeks of school. Five. As in, this week is definitely insane (midterm on Tuesday, midterm essays due Friday, a paper to work on, Spanish quiz, text, and homework due by friday)... but after this, it's all smooth sailing again. Where has the time flown off to, right? What bird decided it was a good idea to pick us off the ground and have us soar through time and space to this point, to the realization of "Seriously, it's week six of spring quarter. Time flies when you're having fun, yeah?" moment... SERIOUSLY. 

Other good things going on: Just bought tickets for an orchestral Death Cab for Cutie concert (with my other favs, Tegan & Sara and The New Pornographers). Flirting with a boy (yiiiikes! Nerves all around). Getting the braces off in 8 DAYS (I won't look like a fifteen year old child!). Looking forward to many more concerts besides the one mentioned above. Now, if only I could get a steady income (I cannot wait for camp...). Except knowing me, I'll spend it all on music and new clothes... It's allowed, and most deserved mind you!

Honestly, life is amazing right now. Let's just breathe in that sunshine and live in every moment, shall we?

I need to sleep. It's a little ridiculous how much of a night-owl I am nowadays. And by ridiculous, it does not mean I regret it at all (with the exception of the days I wake up early...). It doesn't help my raccoon eyes much :P.

So with these thoughts, I'm soaring off into dreamland.

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