Saturday, August 22, 2009

My love, I am the speed of sound...

Here I sit, still unable to sleep... Call it what you will. I'm feeling the rush of good conversation, the excitement for today's/tonight's festivities (LOS CAMPESINOS! IS FINALLY HAPPENING! Plus, visiting with Deanna <3!), songs running through my head, planning the next few days...

I have always felt that little actions can say so much more than larger ones- how remembering the most minute detail stakes a claim to listening, to thoughtfulness, to desiring to make one smile when acted out. Within these past few days (and one of those days not being the best mind you), certain friends surprised me with their visiting SD, bringing pineapple juice (pineapples are my favorite fruit EVER), simply calling to say hello and share a story, or sitting beside a computer to chat for a while. One of my campers surprised me today with a very cute tote bag and little note... and it was the absolute sweetest thing that has happened in quite some time.

What does this all lead to? I want to take more notice in the minute. The smaller gestures truly display one's personality, whereas the larger actions act as generalizations, a basis of foundation for the smaller to grow and thrive, to bloom within the midst of good deeds or wilt into the abyss of nightmares past. Perhaps I'll try and make it a goal to encompass the element of surprise into my repertoire... to create a focus of smaller steps towards a bigger picture of overall joy. If I can bring a smile to one person a day, I have done my job :).

I believe sleep has finally decided to shine itself towards me to enter into the nighttime sky of dreamworld. Goooodbye!

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