Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I'm not the carpet you walk on, I'm not one small atomic bomb

Third Publication in UCI New Forum (the poem below is featured in the Winter 2010 Edition)!


To say the glass fell from the sky is ridiculous
But I have not told you, my darling,
That the cabinets and ceilings are part of the division
Between what is beyond us and near us, and
Just because they are white and close to the windows
Does not mean that you can reach in and grab at will.

I carry you to safety, to the plush carpet
Beneath your feet, where the ceramic slivers will
Not cross into your being.
At your age, I never want you to experience
That painful cut. I want you to remain porcelain and complete,
Sitting on my shelf with shadows crossing your reflection.

With broom in hand, I sweep the mess you made.
I watch with precision. There will be no trace
Of any of this material faltering.
But I feel my back pulling away.
It splits along the vertebrae and juts into
Paralysis as you climb to reach the sky again.

I don’t know how much longer I will be able to hold you up.

It is always amazing to see my words in print. The most amazing aspect were the friends (and sibling!) who went to support me... I could not have asked for more. From the beautiful intro to my poem to my reading it to the compliments afterwards... I am dumbfounded with how my work is being taken in. Truly, I am just aspiring for the stars and doing whatever I can to reach them...

So thank you.

[Now Now- St. Vincent]

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