Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I must become a lion hearted girl

What a familiar setting: It's 7:12 pm, I'm writing a 12 page research paper due tomorrow (on page 4!), have work at 545 am (may call my friend to switch with me so I can have 730 or whatever time it is), and a movie is playing in the background ((500) Days of Summer). "Freshman/Sophomore" Carly would have had this paper done about two weeks ago... But not "Junior/Senior Carly." With the help of my lovely friends, we all realized that, as English/LJ majors, we can write papers in a certain amount of time.

So, to quickly update before the month is over, I needed some sort of boost in terms of moral. Let's get this to happen!

* 2 grad apps down, about 5 to go!
* One of my finals papers got postponed/even cancelled. Basically, if I go to a self-defense class, I get an A... I'm doing it.
* I am representing UCI in the Ina Coolbrith Memorial Poetry Prize, along with my wonderful necklace twin Lynn. We are practicing humility--whatever happens, it's just wonderful to feel some sort of progression.
* I'm looking forward to school being done. It's back to the gym, back to reading for fun, having amazing adventures.
* I have an interview with Red Hen Press in Pasadena for a possible internship. Hopefully I find someone who wants to travel with me to experience the city (I want to make a fun day out of it).
* Today marks my one year anniversary with Coffee Bean. I have met the most beautiful people through working here, and I can't wait to experience the next year with them (depends on grad school, mind you, but still!)
* Thank goodness for my sister. She is the most amazing person in the entire world.

And for now, I'm still basking in the Thanksgiving fulfillment of soul... That sounds so corny. Basically, I'm grateful. Although there have been a lot of hurdles this quarter, it's still wonderful to breathe.

[Rabbit Heart (Raise It Up)- Florence & the Machine]

Monday, November 1, 2010

Look alive, see these bones

My Learns
By Ryan Luz, MFA grad at UCSD

I could forget something
like a city, if
I was there long enough,
it’s nothing like sex or


When I found this, it stuck with me for days. I shared it with my friend and she put it as her facebook status. This is what poetry should be doing- sticking with you, like trim fat against the muscle to provide some warmth.

I have debated "my learns" for the past few months, and I cannot help but feel uncertain.

How far do I need to dig through cold bones?

Just unfurl. Keep the positives happening. It will be worth it.

[See These Bones- Nada Surf]