It's finally gone through me.
I was letting a feeling ride itself out. I kept faith, because when you expressed something 4 months ago I was amazed. I thought,
How did this happen? What sort of cosmos came together to have this occur? What being do I owe for this? But time has proven itself again and again.
I was racing to catch you always. I realize that now.
You began the race, and I finished it.
I waited on your words, in rain, in the midst of academia.
You figured it out.
And the most amazing people stood and watched me in this race. They saw my staggering. They replenished whatever water I lost. Yet I continued to run, because I wanted the adrenaline rush, the heart swelling, the muscular strain that comes with it all.
I was wrapped up in your perfection.
The words
you deserve better have been said again and again. For my modesty I accepted them with kindness, but my mind could not wrap around it (one girl knows this, as she has said it to me every day as she watched me come and go).
Today it hit me. A customer came in, "How's my favorite doing?" (I blushed and replied). "Do you remember my order?" (I forgot. He forgave me). "So, what are you doing tomorrow? I'm sure you have a whole slew of dates lined up for you?" (No, I don't. I actually...). "WHAT?! Explain this to me!" (I explained). "Sweetheart, promise me something (insert it here).
You deserve nothing but the best. I'm checking in on you. Promise?" (Deal).
If a person who has only seen me a few times can see this, why couldn't you?
It's not a question I need answered. Your actions were louder than your words. But their words are resonating louder still.
Thank you dn, dl, jr, sm, dg, as, mb, bm, mc, ep, abci, sm.
I'm letting go.
[Beatboxer Who Broke My Heart- Hey Ocean!]